Become a Participant

Individuals that have been released from incarceration within the last 6 months are eligible for intake. To complete intake, please come to OAR’s Central Office at 3111 W. Clay Street, Richmond, VA 23230. We start intakes each morning at 8:30 a.m. and we can accept 5 intakes per day.


How do I become an OAR client?

Step 1: Qualification

You must have an ADULT CRIMINAL CONVICTION (misdemeanor or felony).  New clients must have been released from incarceration or have a conviction within the past 6 months.

Step 2: Complete an Intake

Come to OAR at 3111 W. Clay Street to complete intake. The Intake Coordinator, OAR Staff, or Volunteer will complete a short intake and identify your service needs. No appointments necessary.  We operate on a first-come, first-serve basis and we take up to 5 new intakes per day.

Step 3: Return to Meet with Your Reentry Advocate

After you have completed intake, you will return to OAR and meet with your assigned reentry advocate, who will work with you by providing OAR services, connecting you to other resources so that you may achieve your desired goals.  Again, we do not take appointments. Reentry advocates see clients on a first-come first-serve basis. Please be patient.